Continuing to be seen as a cybersecurity leader, our President and CEO, Gina Abate testified in front of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship at their Wednesday hearing.

Gina was one of four industry representatives asked to testify at the hearing “Preparing Small Businesses for Cybersecurity Success.” Each spokesperson was given five minutes to dictate their testimony and answer questions, focused on the security challenges small businesses face, as well as the opportunities that exist to support entrepreneurs on a path to cyber safety.

The Senators were interested in the perspective of the panelists and intrigued by the new Maryland based tax incentive (SB 228) passed by state legislature earlier this month. In addition to the positive remarks received by the Senators, Forbes magazine covered the hearing – providing stronger representation for the need of cybersecurity services within small business. Read the full article from Forbes here.

An archived recording and additional details on the panel is also available on the U.S. Senate Committee website.

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